Total Hip Prosthesis. Immediately afterwards.

Total Hip Prosthesis. Immediately after
Immediately after finishing the surgery you will be transferred to a resuscitation room where you will wait for the effect of regional anesthesia to disappear and you can move your legs or recover from general anesthesia if it has been the chosen technique.
When you arrive in the room we will allow you to start ingesting both fluids and solids. It is very important to us that the surgery has as little impact as possible on your body.
During the first hours you will be able to perform flexion and ankle extension movements, as well as contractions of the thigh muscles. If your doctor does not tell you otherwise, you can sleep on your side, it is important that you rest. After three or four hours, accompanied by a nurse, he could get up to go to the bathroom. If we have operated on it in the afternoon, you can go the next morning.
It is important that the first time you get up do not do it suddenly as you may be a little hypotensive after the intervention.
It is advisable to take the prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatories, even if you do not think you need them and do not take your usual medication without first consulting with your doctor or nurse.
The first day you will walk with some walkers for greater safety and if we have not specified otherwise, you can support all the weight on the operated leg.
The physical therapist will assist you in recommending exercises that you should do on your own and will teach you how to use crutches on the first or second day.
We will let you shower the day after surgery.
On the second day you will be taught how to go up and down stairs and if there is no problem from that moment you can decide to return home.
It is important to have prepared the house previously, remove carpets, have a comfortable bathroom to enter and exit.
The first few weeks it is normal for the operated leg to swell more than the other. It is usually edema that descends through the limb. It is also not uncommon for a bruise to appear mainly on the back of the leg. If the pain is significant and does not improve with the leg raised, you should consult us.
It is very important that every hour or two of a short walk and do the exercises, you have to move often and of course you do not have to be in bed.