Talalgia, why does my heel hurt?

Talalgia, why does my heel hurt?
After the development of medicine, most experts agree that there is something that does not work well in the foot of these patients and it is this something that causes as consequences pain in the heel and the appearance of the calcaneal spur.
But why do we sometimes find talalgia without a spur?
The answer to this question is very simple: there are many different causes that can cause problems on the heel. The symptoms that we present, as well as the appearance or not of a spur on the X-ray will depend on the nature of the alteration.
It is logical to assume then that the most appropriate treatment will vary depending on the true diagnosis of the patient. And for this it is important to make a good examination of the ailment.
Should I worry if I suffer from thalalgia?
Almost all of these alterations correspond to mechanical causes, all of them benign. Unfortunately, the torpid evolutionary course of these processes means that patients can perceive this situation as a major health problem since it can limit them to their daily activities.
I want to know more, Why is the foot so susceptible to alterations?
The foot is the base of our organism and puts us humans in contact with the ground. It holds our weight and propels us forward to move during the walking cycle. It is to be expected that in the face of such diverse functions its structure needsto bedynamic,changing, capable of adapting to the needs of each moment.
"While we stand we need a flexible structure that cushions the weight of our body. On the other hand, to take off and propel it while we walk we need a rigid and consistent structure capable of prying against the ground."
To change from a flexible foot to a rigid foot naturally the numerous pieces that make up the foot must work harmoniously. When this does not happen some structures of the foot begin to suffer producing as a more frequent symptom pain.
Should I go to a medical professional if I have thalalgia?
Going to a medical professional is essential to guide the patient towards the restoration of their problem. A problem that although the patient is the true owner, must involve the specialist in the way to its restoration. And although broadly speaking the therapeutic ladder is quite similar for most ailments (whenever possible you should opt for the least aggressive treatments) the assessment by the specialist is crucial to obtain a good diagnosis and receive the most appropriate specific treatment.